Thursday, October 7, 2010

Color Wheel



                                            double complimentary


For this project, we had to create a color wheel and then take pictures that fit the different colors. To do this, we had to have an eye for the different color schemes. To do this, I found a lot of the colors in natural settings. I also had a variation in my pictures because I did one indoors of the paint.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Unexpected Moment Reflection

1. Of the five photographs, which is the strongest? Why?
Of these five pictures, the strongest are in order. The strongest photo is the one of the girl drawing a fern. It is the strongest because it has a good contrast and angle. The second strongest is of the girl getting bread. this photo is strong because of its contrast, motion, and and unexpectedness. The third strongest is of the girl reading the book. This photograph is strong because of its unexpectedness and contrast.

2. Which is the weakest? Why?
The weakest photograph is the one of the girl running. Its focus is mainly on the building, taking away from the action of the girl.

The Unexpected Moment

Leed Architecture